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I'm trying to get into #rustlang. I've already rewritten a small program and it was an okay experience but today, I hit something weird.

I have a LinkedList and need to iterate over it and, if I found any item that meets some criteria, I need to remove it from the list.

Using C++ iterators, this would be O(N).

Rust's linked_list has an issue open for more than 4 years (!) to add a remove function to linked lists. But even with that function, you'll need an index of the item to be removed and cannot (as far as I can tell) use the iterator you already have from scanning the list.

So in Rust I would need to spend O(N) to scan the list and an additional O(N) for each item I need removed.

Or is there a faster way to do that?

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Als Antwort auf Martin

Technically that's also O(n) (O(2n) = O(n)).

I don't see much Rust code using `LinkedList`. Probably its more common to just use `Vec`. Which in many cases will end up performing better overall, regardless of language.

Als Antwort auf Ian Douglas Scott

The List grows very dynamically, that's why I want to use LinkedList, because adding, removing and moving within the list is normally cheap with a LinkedList.
Als Antwort auf Martin

I've been writing Rust for 5 years and professionally for 2 years, I've seen a linked list outside of some very specific use cases.

Yes, Rust Linked List are very limited and you will most likely fight the borrow checker.

Are you sure you need a linked list? In most cases a Vec will be more efficient, and you won't have as many borrow checking issue.

If the order of elements doesn't matter, you can even use Vec::swap_remove for O(1) removal of elements.

Als Antwort auf Soso

Doesn't Vec::retain create a whole new copy of the collection, i.e. I'll need twice the memory at that point?
Als Antwort auf Martin

No, retain does not re-allocate. It modifies the Vec in place.
Als Antwort auf Soso

I don't want to use Vec because:

  • I don't want the collection to hog more memory than it actually needs.
  • I want to be able to cheaply extend the collection
  • I want to be able to cheaply remove items from arbitrary locations within the collection
Als Antwort auf Martin

LinkedList will likely use more memory. Each LinkedList element needs:

2 additional pointers,
Additional metadata for the allocation (size depends on the allocator)

Pushing an element to a vec is faster than to a LinkedList because it doesn't always need to allocate..
Removing from arbitrary locations can be done through swap_remove. But even remove is likely to be faster than linked list due to not needing to reallocate.

Als Antwort auf Soso

There are very few algorithms that need a linked list for performance.
And most of the time they need specific properties from a specific linked list implementation, so they end up implementing their own, so the standard library version never got much attention, which is a bit disappointing for algorithms that actually need it..
Als Antwort auf Martin

You can do that with the (unfortunately unstable) cursor API, see LinkedList::cursor_front and LinkedList::cursor_back. The cursor API is more powerful than Iterator, but is specific to LinkedList AIUI.
Als Antwort auf George Macon

Yeah, I'm aware of that cursor API and even ChatGPT guided me towards that, but I don't want to do unstable at this point.
Als Antwort auf Martin

Do you have to remove it from that list, or can you iterate and create the filtered list? I'm unsure if you can .collect() into a LinkedList (assuming you really want one)
Als Antwort auf brettwitty

That sounds like a lote of unnecessary memory allocations to me.
Als Antwort auf Martin

Possibly! Depends on the context. Try and see, you might be surprised. The costs of these things can be a lot more complicated under the hood than a napkin calculation. Good luck!
Als Antwort auf Martin

The "faster way" depends on your exact use-case. If you intend to remove several items at once sporadically, then [Vec::retain()](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/vec/struct.Vec.html#method.retain) might be performant enough - especially if you're performing full reads of the resulting vector.
Als Antwort auf Epic Eric :thinkhappy:

In terms of which collection will best suit your needs, I recommend reading through the doc section "When Should You Use Which Collection?": https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/collections/#when-should-you-use-which-collection
Als Antwort auf Epic Eric :thinkhappy:

That guide explicitly says I should use a LinkedList when:

You want to efficiently split and append lists.

Which is exactly why I want to use a linked list. Vec seems like it would do a lot of unnecessary memory allocation for that.

Als Antwort auf Martin

BTW what I want to do is a cache that stores a key/value pair (both are strings). When an entry is hit, I want to move it to the front of the list.

When there is no hit, a network request is issued to fetch the value for the key. The key/value pair is then emplaced at the front of the list. If the list is then over the maximum capacity, the item at the back shall be removed.